The most important means to make a web site more effective is to have more traffic; therefore a few simple steps taken to have more number of hits and invite more users return to the site are to be followed.
It is extremely important that people know that the Company or Organization has a Website, for this make sure the business card carries the site address legitimately printed. It would also be effective to remind people by phone or during a presentation to have a look at the web site for further information.
Updating the web site frequently has a major significance. It signals to people that the Company is active and cares for it. Also the Search Engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo, rankings improve on frequent updation of web sites. Updation may include press releases, offers of discount or new launches, some events that are worth for people to know about or add pictures or videos to people watch the developments. The above changes or updation can also be put up of the fan page of Social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, linkedIn etc. which do not cost. The updation should also be applicable to the content in of the site, so they don’t become stale over a period. Reading through the pages will lead to better content each time it is read, therefore re-write them and simplify them.
Also suggested is to have a blog on an external web site or in the web site itself to interact to conversations, it will also help in understanding the mood of the users and keep pace accordingly.
Dedicated employees on these jobs will take time and may keep them away from the core business, therefore we at Meru Studios are at your service to keep your web site more effective and traffic on.
How Can I Make My Website More Effective?
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