Friday, 31 July 2015

What is the Difference Between Web Design and Web Development?

Web Design and Web development are often misinterpreted for their similarity in names; however they are entirely different in operation and functionality, though they depend on each other.

If you are looking for a job in the related field or looking to make a website you need to know the difference at least in general terms.

What a viewer sees on his screen is the work of a web designer, it is more concerned with how the site looks and how a customer interacts with it. Designers understand the usability of the site and how a customer would like to navigate around. It includes logos, graphics and other advanced elements to make the site more attractive and user friendly.

Web development is the back end of a website that makes a website actually work. The programming that drives a website to work or can be seen as building the engine of an automobile. Web developers add the functionality to a website.

Both are different professions, finding professionals to do both are difficult. In most cases people doing web designing do not do web developing. Web designers do not do programing and programmers are not graphic artists, each profession requires enough work for their own.

Having said that web developer do not always require a lot of design from a web designer, because sometimes they have to forego some overloaded graphics to focus on usability. Meaning sometimes when the graphics overload the programming process while using the customers get distracted due to its slow functionality, under these conditions the developer will be doing most of the design in a textual manner from material provided by website owner and a few clip art images. The logos and page headers are the only advanced design components when it comes to design.

At Meru Studios we have teams to do all designing and developing at tandem all under one roof. We provide the complete Web solutions.


What is the Difference Between Web Design and Web Development?

Web Design “Service” What is it?

Web designing in a nut shell is all about planning, creating and updating of websites.

Web designing services comprise of many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites all put together. Often this is done by many individuals working as a team on different aspects of designing process and putting things together, although some designers cover them all. It is expected of the designers to be aware of the usability and hence it is expected of them to be up-to-date with the web accessibility guidelines while they are involved in creating mark ups.

Though web designing has a fairly lesser history, it can be linked to other areas like Graphic design. It is hard to imagine today an internet without animated graphics or typography and music background.

To create a final product requires lot of planning, planning again requires considerable amount of foresee and understanding of the subject and reach.

Creating, as mentioned involves various disciplines like Graphic designer who create the visuals of the site such as logos, layouts, buttons etc., the internet marketing specialist who maintains the presences with solutions to target viewer to the site, SEO writers to research and recommend correct usage of words for more accessibility by users, the copy writers to write the contents that captive the imagination of the readers, user experience designers who incorporates user focused design considerations etc.

Maintenance or Up-dation of a website is again a task to be carried out on a daily basis by a dedicated team to keep the accessibility rating high. This also allows to improvise on previous versions or for adding new features or pictures or products or services.

Meru Studios has batteries of teams to perform in synchronization to come up with a great team work and put all services of a web experience under one roof.


Web Design “Service” What is it?

Thursday, 30 July 2015

When to re-brand your Company?

Having said ‘Change is permanent’, no business or Company can rest on its pat laurels.

The important factors to be considered when assessing the idea of re-branding will include equity measurement, market differentiation and accessibility; brand awareness, relevance and vitality; and consumer personality, preference, usage, associations, and emotional connectivity. If your company can improve its relationship to its customer base in any or all of these key areas, you may want to think seriously about re-branding.

Re-branding a business is about a great deal more than making the business look good, its about making the bottom line look good too.

This would be necessary when there also is sluggishness in the present business, when upcoming business houses are more corporate system driven. This will also increase the curiosity with the customers to witness what’s new. Re-branding again has to be carefully coined not to loose the already loyal customers, therefore should be focused on the better.

Re-branding the business is to keep moving with time and changes, competitors are also looking at your progress and can take clues from your success model.

We at Meru Studio are update with the current market trends and can be of great assistance in Re-branding your business and giving a fresh new look to your business and stay ahead in the race.


When to re-brand your Company?

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

9 Proven Techniques That Build Trust in Your Website

Developing the trust in the visitor who visits the site is always challenging, than a visitor who visits a store for shopping. It is therefore crucial to prove yourself trustworthy to earn their trust than skepticism when it comes to web site based experience. To weed out this deficit we have come with these 9 techniques to gain over the visitors confidence.

    1. Web Designing:

‘First impression is the best impression’, this statement holds true even to the online market. It is therefore necessary to keep the visitor engaged and attract new users. For this the site has to be developed with professionalism with elegant design using hi-definition graphics and easy maneuvering.

    1. About the People:

Any user visiting the site would be interested in the people behind, it is therefore necessarily mandatory to have the ‘About us’ where the people hosting the site are introduced to the visitors. This link provides information about the company’s history, their purpose of the site, ideologies etc. and would be great if it could include their accomplishments and tie ups if any.

    1. Statutory Certification:

This would increase the trust ability of the visitors if any certification with statutory bodies like the Governments or Internationally approved agents are furnished for public viewing.

    1. Workable hyperlinks:

Links and hyperlinks to well established site too sometimes break down, therefore it is necessary for a routine check to keep these links intact and working. Even plug ins or other programs can be linked to keep check on a regular basis.

    1. Privacy policy:

People are now-a-days concerned about disclosure of personal identity and sensitive personal information from misuse or theft. It is therefore imperative to have a Privacy Policy in place stating the commitment to non-disclosure, so the visitor is comfortable and also practice the same.

    1. Testimonials:

It is always interesting for people to know about others experiences. Therefore invite comments and share the good experiences for viewing and also how solutions were provided in case of a problem from real people. This could enhance the trust.

    1. Contact Information:

This would be very necessary to prove the legitimacy of the business. Depending on privacy needed the contact information of common telephone numbers, mail ID’s, address can be provided, which could be handled by the Customer care personnel.

    1. Guaranteed Money Back:

An important feature when it comes to sites, selling products or services is to Guarantee the pay-back in case of dis-satisfaction of non-performance. This again will increase the trust when knowing that there is less risk involved with money transaction. Depending on the geographic location the money back period can be determined and mentioned.

    1. Periodic Updated Blogs:

Periodic updation of the site/blogs is very important as it conveys that it is well-managed and professional. However these updations also give room for any improvement in the content or product list, hence new products can be added and out-dated products can be removed.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

What Your Business Misses by Not Having a Website ?

In today’s Web world a Business without a Website is like a person without a face. Gone are the days people search Yellow pages or a telephone directory or even un-noticed posters or hoardings or depend to word of mouth. They do not convey what the business is all about, what they have to offer, no illustrations, no mention of working hours etc..

In fact half or two thirds of people worldwide looking out for services today click on the search engines with relevant topics to find their way and it actually works. Traditional ways of marketing or publicizing are no longer effective than a website which reaches instantaneously into peoples offices or homes or even on the move. Traditional business houses also have moved and changed with times.

The 21st century has changed the information system by leaps and bounds. People ignorant of the changes too have started to learn to use the available services for the fear of losing out or missing the race. Traditional methods of marketing tactics are more mental memory based, with the fast life of today nobody wants to work too much using memory, the internet provides any information within seconds and how many ever times needed.

Advertising or marketing is mainly for our information to reach a larger public, to know about the product and services a company has to offer. With the internet; Companies have become even more competitive and efficient, reason, people are more exposed to information and they can compare before take a decision. Loyalty toward traditional business definitely speaks, but is limited and again not in all spheres. The buzz word today is ‘on-line’.

With our versatility at Meru Studios we follow certain business ethics where our recommendations benefit the Client at large, than doing what we want to benefit.

Monday, 27 July 2015

How Can I Make My Website More Effective?

The most important means to make a web site more effective is to have more traffic; therefore a few simple steps taken to have more number of hits and invite more users return to the site are to be followed.

It is extremely important that people know that the Company or Organization has a Website, for this make sure the business card carries the site address legitimately printed. It would also be effective to remind people by phone or during a presentation to have a look at the web site for further information.

Updating the web site frequently has a major significance. It signals to people that the Company is active and cares for it. Also the Search Engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo, rankings improve on frequent updation of web sites. Updation may include press releases, offers of discount or new launches, some events that are worth for people to know about or add pictures or videos to people watch the developments. The above changes or updation can also be put up of the fan page of Social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, linkedIn etc. which do not cost. The updation should also be applicable to the content in of the site, so they don’t become stale over a period. Reading through the pages will lead to better content each time it is read, therefore re-write them and simplify them.

Also suggested is to have a blog on an external web site or in the web site itself to interact to conversations, it will also help in understanding the mood of the users and keep pace accordingly.

Dedicated employees on these jobs will take time and may keep them away from the core business, therefore we at Meru Studios are at your service to keep your web site more effective and traffic on.


How Can I Make My Website More Effective?

Saturday, 25 July 2015

What makes a good business logo

What makes a good business logo

We are confronted with countless logos on a daily basis and mostly unaware of how these icons influence our subconscious mind. A logo actually conveys the brand culture, behavior and values of the owner. Though it takes only a second to tell its story it may have taken a lot of effort and time to create one and can be the most difficult aspect in the branding process.

Good brand Logo’s are the ones which get registered in the subconscious mind even without any effort to remember or recollect them. Over a period they become so iconic that the Logo speaks on its own and needs no story to explain or identify the Company or Product.

A good Logo should be able attract attention of all age groups especially children who are the major ambassadors to carry the message. Again good Logo’s do not call for loud and jarring attention in terms of design or colors they have to be simple and settle in color and texture. Exhibiting the Logo’s with tag lines at all vantage points within the premises or all over the City or via media will create an impact that subconsciously gets registered permanently.

Colors and shapes play an important role. Before even identifying a Logo from very far, a person will guess the Logo by its color and shape. It may be the right guess or wrong too, but the either way the persons guess; the Logo has made its impact. Again for the promotion of a brand Logo there has to be a constant reminder with targets, even if it reaches a point of irritation, this will prove that the target already knows it and needs no reminder.

At Meru Studio our creative heads take all efforts to understand the client and come out with range of innovative logo design to choose from keeping in mind the impact it is meant to create.


What makes a good business logo

Thursday, 23 July 2015


In present competing days each entrepreneur desires to keep a website with easy accessible network. A tremendous website does not attract many guest to your website, but also hold on for a long durations. In these day's experienced web developer create use of technologies and presentation structure like PHP.

PHP is a free source language also very fashionable during it appear to web designing. To create a web pages the server side programming languages are used which are more common than HTML analogue. PHP set it recognition to C++ system programming still more programmers handling it and are well-known by it. Few most benefits of applying PHP for developing a website are listed below.

  • One can download it free of cost, no license fee is needed.
  • PHP is acutely agreeable language and is consequently used by developers to performs dissimilar types of websites.
  • This language is not difficult to figure out and can be handle several complicated web applications without difficulty .
  • Mean while processing appears on the server, PHP brightness the velocity of the web pages.
  • It deals many groups of safety activity in procedure to preserve your website against virus or spy-ware incursion.
  • Mean while lots of companies handling Linux, it will not works freely with Linux, but is is actually competitive.
  • Also actuality easy assessable it is extremely adjustable.
  • It has capability to progress from data, and also support communications among website holder and guest.
  • Also supports all leading database such as Microsoft, Personal web-server, Apache, iplanet server, Netscape etc,.
  • Also it can be execute all leading operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS and UNIX.
  • PHP is most fashionable programming languages used to create sensible and dynamic website.

Still the easy accessible of a website could be consistent by statistic of a framework navigating between contrasting folio. However creating a easy accessible website is vague, still developers can execute by handling of PHP has assemble it easily. All said and done the entire PHP development team at Meru Studios have inculcated the Good taste for your PHP website which speaks of our passion and experience.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

What are the uses of WordPress

WordPress is the on-line journal floor which grant you to own pre-built site for charge-less and to target on the more essential things.

To reach extreme rank in Google, person must have a website, and website should be in updated on routine basis in conditions of content includes, alteration, on-line journals, news etc. Through WordPress one can absolutely show advantageous in improve your website's instructions. Various floor are used for controlling blogs, in word press deeply recognized for its adaptability and start open source.

Generate WP: It is the simple and quicker techniques to create high feature code for word-press activity applying the most recent word-press API.

Template designs: Whatever theme you are selecting, it describe your characterize, files can be easily updated and modifications are made in CSS file.

Permalinks: One have modify to their personal expectations and illustrate your URL according to your necessity.

Essential Plug-ins: There are collections of free plug-ins are ready for use, whatever you think important can be easily installed by yourself . SEO plug-ins and XML site map are advantageous for blogging in extreme search rankings.

SEO Plug-ins: Head space2 is the most famous SEO plug-in. In this SEO pack grant for characteristic title, meta descriptions tags and page URL

XML site map: One can automatically create XML site map and submit with the help of Google site map plugins.

Query Monitor: It is troubleshoot plug-ins for all word press builder. It has few exclusive appearance which has been not seen in other troubleshoot plug-ins.

The strong progress popularized website exist with proper updated content its position for extreme rank in Google, WordPress build this assignments. Whether you are very new to the computer network, then will accept that word-press is grace to people of us. Extrinsic experts are only to improve your novelty to your already brainstorm eyesight of your final product. All said and done by the entire team of Meru Studios.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Choosing a mobile applications developer for your business

The most important growth in this movable world is mobile. It is accumulate with plenty of features and process, which build meaningful improvement to the trade world. The greatest marvelous appearance of mobile is intermediary application development which improves its performance and appearance. There are many applications which are available in applications store. Even though there are many application, everything will not suits for your business necessity and also they are not matchable for your business, for that you wants to develop mobile applications which are particularly for your business requirement.

If you want your mobile application development services, you want to hire a famous mobile application development firm. You can search a best mobile application development firm in the market, however you can't choose immediately! any one of them. You want to choose either the organization, you are ready to hire can satisfy your necessity or not. You can't madly hope any organization in the market, as mobile application development is not simple to execute projects. You have to be careful during selecting a mobile application development firm. The best sustain concept that you wants to examine during choosing a mobile application developer or a firm whether it is skilled and qualified in conditions of mobile application development. Once the firm is not capable for developing applications applying certain device according to your requirements, then hiring them is no use. In this attention, you have to analysis either they occupy the techniques or not before executing a final decisions.

Conversation is the most essential of any firms. Conform your developers are articulate in global English and find whether they use all communications tools like email, Chat, etc on their site or global calling arrangement. Additionally, pleasant activity management is also important for a business to succeed. Be confident that your mobile application development firm provides pleasant activity management services by giving activity manager for the projects who handle as contacts and supply proper reports and bring up todays date to the customers.

End of the day be you, should not influence your core ideas. External sources are only to enhance your innovation to your already coined vision of your final product. All said and done the entire Mobile Application development team at Meru Studios have inculcated the Good taste for your mobile application which speaks of our passion and experience.

Monday, 20 July 2015

Benefits of e-commerce

Now a days shopping tendency have switched perfectly in the current Years. Providing comfort, clear approachability and Convenience is the current tendency of on-line purchasing. People can get all at e-Commerce site, for (eg). Apparels, home appliances, books, electronics, everything from one place.

It is very essential for business persons to accompany forwards the brand and services, because they believe their desire, act fine between their promising clients. At the same time they wants to begin sale off their brands on-line, most essential actions wants to be performed is e-commerce site progress.

Important for E-Commerce:
  • Yield publicity : This is actually essential to create the e-commerce site noticeable to different peoples . The organization supplying e-commerce progress services grant you to expose your brands and services to huge market. From this many people people will access your site across the world. This increases sales for us from each and every customers who are visiting your website.
  • Sketch a site depending on your ambitions: E-commerce progress organization advice in designing a site depending on your ambitions. We will understand your necessity and modify your website from this you can reach your ambitions at a speddy pace.
  • Grant easy buying method: E-commerce progress organization help you in providing luxury to your clients during purchasing, and also sketch shopping carts and analyze which are freely ready for use and grant easy buying process.
  • Develop an approachable content authority rule: The useful of renovating different and curious content is great known by e-commerce progress organization. Knowing this they build a reachable content authority rule, which grant you to quickly modernize, customized and declare content.

Clients knowledge is the best valuable aspect during starting e-commerce. One have to take judgment for long period. Building target is the opening of e-commerce method. Purchasing in on-line allows the people convenience to view report, match products and to select reliable on-line merchant the one provide the best fare.

End of the day be you, all observation, talks, tips references etc. should not influence your core ideas. External sources are only to enhance your innovation to your already coined vision of your final product.All said and done, the entire e-commerce team at Meru Studios have inculcated the Good taste for your site which speaks of our passion and experience.

Saturday, 18 July 2015



By far the Internet has become the most widely used medium to source any information. Browsing through the Internet we find enormous Web Sites calling for attention but only a hand full attract the reader or information seeker. Web designing is not complete with the soul focus in trying to convey information using superlatives, it is the overall experience a Customer feels while visiting a store.

To be good in Web Design, be a good solution provider or helper. Only people seeking relevant information visit your site, capitalize the moment and provide the solution to their visit, make it interactive and memorable, after all everyone seeks help when needed. 

With the strong notion to be a good solution provider it vital to develop other overall design elements to make the site appealing which again is a skill and has to be developed. Horning these skills to be a good  Web designer is through experience which requires tremendous perseverance, patience and above all passion and trust in your skills. As changes are not permanent, you would experience this every time you have created a new design and notice that the latest one is always better than the previous. This is experience – learning from mistakes or learning to do it better.

Every experience is a new learning, there is never ‘Thee Best’, this, never ending learning process brings out the hidden potential to make your new Best every time you design one. There are numerous means and sources to explore from and learn new techniques. Read and observe works of experienced and best designers in the industry. Taking tips and talking to experts who have already traveled your road to success would be an eye opener for creative Web designing. Real life experiences too would be lot more creative than often referring to the Internet, so observation to details would add flavor to your already creative imaginations.

End of the day be you, all observation, talks, tips references etc. should not influence your core ideas. External sources are only to enhance your innovation to your already coined vision of your final product. 

All said and done the entire design team at Meru Studios have inculcated the Good taste for Web Design which speaks of our passion and experience.

Friday, 17 July 2015

Choosing an ideal website name

Some times we gone through the irritation of choosing the ideal Website name. So I am bustling to contribute few of the better valuable discussion you have to consider while choosing the website name.

How to begin:

Constantly beginning is the toughest part. Will discuss about few speedy stuff you can make to start the fire. A domain URL should be unique to the particular website.

  • View a few keyword about your business or compartment.
  • Assume around what your basis business desire.
  • What financial worth will you present to future audience ?
  • Analysis people in your business or compartment to notice what is executed in the previous.
Salute! You have a concept and now you are intense to assume of a certain domain name. This grand not look like enough although it is. Don't catch for assumed the power needed to arrive up along a certain concept in that you act passionate around.

The attitude you need to think about one phase which you enter.

Imagine about what is simple, or tough, it cause be for the customer to search in it.

Here are the few easy discussion:

  • Simple to speak – make clear it's simple to speak – use only easy words.
  • Be clear it has long life – your domain should be in trend with an years. Due to fashionable name picking.
  • Avoid abstracts if possible – There are the few abstracts might be ready to be in distance (Eg) "Dr."
  • No invisible information – Be clear there are no invisible words or definition in the entire domain name.


If you need to restrict the exposure of this occurrence you can do this. Write away the entire domain name in small letters and find any invisible words or definition in it, you need to be original fighter while finding .

  • Keep it Easy.
  • Avoid built up words.
  • Avoid unusual aspect or complicated ideas of pronouncing words.
  • Avoid intersection if it is viable.
  • Try to have it as simple.

Tools to analysis availability or bring out other concept:

They are huge number of tools which grant you to find and to create domain names.

The next huge concept is you should accessible to catch the domain.

Once Available! What will you do? Buy It...

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Reason to Redesign a Website


Without doubt, you will be ask for modernize your website. Each new idea comes with different features and structures that you will eagerly need to know. It can discourage and upsetting at first, at last you will wonder about that.

People regularly visits your website, minimum changes to be required in design, because they have used your sites and have figured out how to do change and go links on your website. So that we cannot change the entire design this is one of the reason for redesigning your website.


Should have a website that reverse current tendency and famous design, you split yourself and determine your eyesight.

Developing the display of a website, without doubt it will increase the recognized and value for guest. You should have a susceptible designs that grants the people to quickly accept all the beautiful content you have to overture.

Idea :

Should have an idea of the people who visit your website. You can check this by latest technologies and take a glance. You will be surprised about the number of browsing to your website.

The redesign process grant you to actually report your content, should see what efforts and what doesn't. Your content can be messy, difficult and commonly without management. Redesigning your website grant you to mark final and superior regulate the presenting of your content given valuable visitors. While redesigning your site you should think like visitors, and make it simple for the visitors.

Restructuring and Re-targeting :

Along with restructuring, you have to re-target at the same time. From this new visitors can easily understand the features from your website.

  • This will improve your search engine user friendly

  • It's necessary to submit a sincere and succinct definition which you are giving.

  • Still not satisfy you wants a redesign? Now you are equitable being inflexible.

New website attempt higher than sufficient gain to generate it quality, growth and price. Also frond you something which will make you glad about your business.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Benefits in having a Website

Most of the Business people are not using a website now a days. Because they don't have a clear idea of a website. In order to succeed , one should have a web presence. Millions of people logging in the web everyday. A website is best impression. Let's talk about this in detail.

  1. Locating a business on a web, makes your business to increase.
  2. Business website reaches wider people.
  3. Your Business may be small, but you must have a ability to sell your wares or services in a wider market.
  4. Website helps to control web services to concentrate data from your Business.
Your Business can can be easily and quickly reached to the people. Every time new or valuable customers searches for related business products on the Internet. If one business has a website, your customer can keep in touch with you through website easily.

Taking a website to on-line allow you to expand and grow your Business wider.

People actually search website before visiting to business address.

Best Design of a website will help them to encourage to come, or to find your business easily.

Your website can access from anywhere in the world. You need not depend on any directories too.

Internet is 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, 365 days in a year. You may have a weekly leave for your business but your website doesn't have. To answer your customer, collect feedback form and reply to the questions asked.

Most of the people will not decide to buy a product without knowing of them, by submitting products they can find the best .

Customers can easily contact the business, also they can find the products and services you give in one Click, whenever they like.

Cost :

The cost of a Business website is at reasonable price only .

What makes your website well, a good design will make it , and suitable domain name and with good hosting.

You can save money on spending for printing ads, newsletter, coupons etc...

Linking your website with a social media for marketing your website. And a small business can gain more profits through world wide. Viral marketing has increased in these current years. This will help you too get referral customers

Having a website you have a potential to do the same in this world.

If you give a good service, people will share their thoughts . And they will link it to. From this your brand may grow.